Best Motivational Novel Story – Novels story "Clearing the Confusion of Love" - Graphic World

Best Motivational Novel Story – Novels story "Clearing the Confusion of Love"

Love story, motivational love stories, inspirational short stories, motivational novel story, deep emotional love story,
Happy couple on bicycle | picture by pixabay 

This motivational love story in only on depend on guys “Clearing the Confusion of love” of someone. He and I love too much for last sometime. We are together from sometime.

Just suppose you were locked away 2 years in a room. There is nobody to speak with, or nobody to hear. It's my radio, my poetry, it's me and it’s my story. One morning my mother, whom I seldom visited, voluntarily took me to school. We've been arguing all the way to a 20-minute school.

 If you spend so much time on your own, it enhances yourself as a person, because you get a sense of who you are. And one thing I knew, because I didn't have love and I couldn’t help it, I became this cold person. I've been late and I've been going to the class.

My mother said, to me in my mind, replaying every hurtful speech. Trying to pretend, although it tears me up inside, did not bother me. with one eye off I just went to this classroom to look up, I'm not sure.

He looked at something by the door on the wall, what he was doing. With so much shock, he looked at me. I couldn't help myself, and I smiled back. I could watch him smiling. It was like we are in our world and I just felt this unbelievable feeling, I was flattered, but also astonished by how beautiful it was. He had the luminous blue eyes most bright.

I never saw... he was at school before, but I knew that I just couldn't let go of that sensation, unknown. I went to my math and couldn't stop thinking of that man I never had before. I was simply amazed by how I couldn't realize this.

I didn't want to rush into things, I thought I should wait before I asked him around. I mean what the odds are, and me. I knew that I was just a sophomore. I know. The bell rang, and I disappointed the sense of my book.

Love story, motivational love stories, inspirational short stories, motivational novel story, deep emotional love story,
Wedding couple with marriage dresses | picture by pixabay

I went to work after school for my grandmother, I felt someone watching me, and my head turned. Zach ran a passenger in a black truck and looked at me at another perfect time. We've made eye contact again, and I looked back at him. Something was there, too strong to ignore.

2 week later I was playing pool games with my friends in the 'swimming pool hall,' I turned and watched them standing there after I had finished shooting. That little crazy grin. He just asked me out there, and for 3 years we have been watching each other.

He accepts that I wait for marriage and has helped me deal with all my problems. Since, the first day, he has been there ever. And this, my short love story... since then I was never unhappy.....

*Love forever my dear sweetie*

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