Restrictions around the world - Legal and social barriers to women’s freedom of movement - Graphic World

Restrictions around the world - Legal and social barriers to women’s freedom of movement

Position Of British Women:

The British used to carry umbrellas two hundred years ago and this custom was only for women. It was not a facility for men. Now British mail is also allowed. They are not ridiculed. And the are not restricted around the world. There is no such ban on men in Pakistan. No, of course, there are other restrictions on men that require freedom.

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For example, men are not allowed to have four marriages. Women are not banned.

Women Position in Hinduism and Muslim:

In Hinduism, women tolerate this restriction only once. However, the British do not care about such restrictions. That is why there are no laws of negligence. Once the Foreign Secretary of India could not impose such restrictions on himself in Pakistan, the Muslim Foreign Secretary unconsciously said Amen to the freedom of Kashmir during prayers in Pakistan. 

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Indians idea's:

I don't know how India treated him again and whether there are no such restrictions on Manu Bhai's mistreatment. His wife also sometimes calls him Manu Bhai and invites him from the Salah Bazaar to live in the world. Is not forbidden to live after the resurrection is forbidden, said a poet ۔ 

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Neither this world nor that world of your free slaves 

Prohibition to die here Prohibition to live there 

Election for Selection:

Voting in elections is prohibited because those who do not vote are the culprits of the candidates. Those who vote are guilty of the candidate of the opposition party. There is an economic ban on ideas and there are laws prohibiting bargaining on politics. 

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There is a ban on cheating in exams. There is no ban on cheating in exams. However, there is a ban on quiet cheating and quietly reckoning with supervisors. Section 144 bans the Deputy Commissioner to maintain law and order. Democracy In martial law, criminal politics applies.


After martial law, restoration of democracy and holding of elections are banned. Apart from banning unemployment, there is no ban on migrating to other places without giving reasons for suicide, but going to heaven. Parliament does not enforce the law on imprisonment and punishment of angels, but not on censorship in films. However, the law must be applied to Muskrats Sheehan.

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Restriction in Europe:

Europe is free from the sex ban, but the ban on crime must be enforced. No bribe or no recommendation A provincial ban is necessary. A married woman is restricted from seeing other men, but a man can establish friendships and relationships with as many women as he wants. They are restricted only to the eyes of society and relatives. We abide by these restrictions.

No, but in my childhood, I used to think that if these restrictions were not implemented, then what would happen to us? 

Unemployment Due to Some Restriction:

Nawaz Zada Nasrullah is not banned from drinking Howqua and not from changing parties. It is very difficult to tolerate such restrictions. It is not difficult. Banning ideas makes society miserable and banning sex makes a person mentally ill. Banning politicians here do not ban terrorism. Journalism, pen imprisonment. Tolerance increases the ink of the pen. Unemployment increases. 

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Poverty is a humiliation of humanity. Macau's intervention is necessary to stop smoking. Zia-ul-Haq and his cabinet ban the implementation of Islamic law. So the people became observant of fasting and prayers for 11 years. 

Ghulam Haider Wynne also strictly banned recruitment but after his demise, except for one SI roast, there is an open holiday and a lot of fun. The account came out that Sardar Arif Nakai was banned from working at 12 o'clock due to a ban and this ban was once demonstrated in the ceremony of President Leghari. 

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However, this compulsion was also the reason for his connection with the Shaikh family. Therefore, it is our moral duty to ignore their restrictions. Actors are prohibited from paying taxes. They are banned from beauty and good manners from the people. After giving and taking bribes to the police, confession is not a punishment. Punishment is necessary. 

                     Therefore, the friendship of the police is not good and the enmity is not good either. The ban on leaders and agencies is a duty of worship. Political parties decide to participate in elections. The United States or the intelligence agencies decide the types of sanctions. Spring, autumn is also a restriction. 

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There is no restriction for lovers because it is free from restrictions. Only this connection or meeting takes place. Someone asked the lover when there is happiness or sorrow. He said that there is no sorrow. Happiness is in love, everything is permissible, just as in politics, everything is permissible, but obedience to the laws of the country is a moral and legal crime, and committing such crimes enhances dignity and honor.

Restriction in Iran:

In Iran, the ban is so strict that Iranian women take off their burqas on the border with Pakistan. We are chained in the chains of the ban. If anyone asks a question to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the founder of the Pakistan People's Party, in a public meeting. 

Pakistani Public opinion:  

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He was so restrained that he took off his coat and threw it in public It exploded. Bhutto said that this would be the solution to the problem. Someone asked Maulana Kausar Niazi about the PPP's manifesto. He said, Embrace the one who is a Sharif.

 Apologize to the one who embraces you. 

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